Search Course Catalog (632 Courses Found)

Contains all of the available courses within the TrainingFlow™ LMS.

Results for Target Audience: General

TrainingBriefs® Dealing with Angry Customers
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® Dealing with Angry Customers

6 Minutes Level: Foundational
Customers get rude or angry for a variety of reasons—some justified, some not. And it’s very likely you’ll encounter rude or angry individuals at one time or another. It’s how you respond that can make the difference between a customer who feels satisfied with the resolution and one who vows never to patronize our business again. This course explores strategies for dealing with an irate customer.
Topics: Customer Service, Interpersonal Skills, Professionalism
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General
TrainingBriefs® Gossip Can Be Hurtful
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® Gossip Can Be Hurtful

5 Minutes Level: Foundational
An inclusive workplace is one that discourages gossip and malicious rumors. The fact that the conversation took place in the workplace means that those impacted by it have a right and a responsibility to respond.
Topics: Respect, Professionalism, Inclusion & Equity
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General
TrainingBriefs® Accepting and Giving Gifts
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® Accepting and Giving Gifts

5 Minutes Level: Foundational
The acceptance of gifts, services, and hospitality can leave an organization vulnerable to accusations of unfairness, partiality, deceit, or even unlawful conduct. This is one of many ethical issues that come up in the workplace.
Topics: Ethics, Compliance, Professionalism
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General
TrainingBriefs® Ethical Dilemma: Spreading Rumors
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® Ethical Dilemma: Spreading Rumors

5 Minutes Level: Foundational
You and a friend are having lunch… when the friend reveals that she has been fostering uncertainty about her company’s competitor... you know... spreading rumors about them. What would you do?
Topics: Ethics, Compliance, Sales, Professionalism
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General
TrainingBriefs® Ethical Dilemma - Insider Information
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® Ethical Dilemma - Insider Information

5 Minutes Level: Foundational
In this course, you’ll observe two coworkers having a casual conversation when one of them makes the suggestion of obtaining inside information to win a contract bid.
Topics: Ethics, Compliance, Sales & Service, Professionalism
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General
TrainingBriefs® Ethical Dilemma - Careful What You Say
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® Ethical Dilemma - Careful What You Say

5 Minutes Level: Foundational
When someone at work asks you to deceive others by lying or breaking promises, they’re asking you to compromise your integrity, your reputation, your job, even the company’s reputation and possibly the safety of others.
Topics: Ethics, Professionalism
Industry Settings: Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General
Target Audience: General
TrainingBriefs® Ethical Dilemma - I’m Not Here
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® Ethical Dilemma - I’m Not Here

7 Minutes Level: Foundational
If you’re being pressured by a friend, coworker or even a manager... to lie… going along with them may seem like the easiest thing to do at first. It’s not!
Topics: Ethics, Compliance, Leadership, Professionalism
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General
TrainingBriefs® Compromising Your Standards
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® Compromising Your Standards

6 Minutes Level: Foundational
When it comes to using inaccurate information to meet a deadline - even if it doesn't seem to impact or affect the outcome of a situation - is a very slippery slope. Sometimes there is information that should not be kept confidential.
Topics: Ethics, Compliance
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General
TrainingBriefs® Warning Signs of Workplace Violence
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® Warning Signs of Workplace Violence

6 Minutes Level: Foundational
Workplace violence is a cycle of repeated and escalating behavior: subtle threats and statements, open intimidation and harassment, and ending with direct physical violence.
Topics: Workplace Violence Prevention, Harassment
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General
TrainingBriefs® Generational Diversity: Work Styles
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® Generational Diversity: Work Styles

9 Minutes Level: Foundational
Each generation has different viewpoints toward the workplace. Working on a team that is comprised of different generations really creates challenge when the group has to tackle a common problem or project.
Topics: Generational Challenges, Diversity Dynamics, Inclusion & Equity, Respect, Teamwork
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General
TrainingBriefs® Diversity Moments
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® Diversity Moments

7 Minutes Level: Foundational
Diversity and inclusion dynamics are the positive or negative reactions that occur when dimensions of diversity, such as culture, experience, and expectations, come together. This course teaches fundamental diversity & inclusion concepts using the highly acclaimed M.E.E.T. model.
Topics: Diversity Dynamics, Inclusion & Equity, Respect
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General
TrainingBriefs® Cultural Competence & Communication
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® Cultural Competence & Communication

7 Minutes Level: Foundational
Diversity is reality. We're realizing that if we don't improve our skills we're asking for organizational and cultural gridlock. Creating an inclusive team environment that values diversity helps you achieve our organization’s bottom line.
Topics: Diversity Dynamics, Interpersonal Skills, Inclusion & Equity, Respect
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General
TrainingBriefs® Working with Transgender Colleagues
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® Working with Transgender Colleagues

6 Minutes Level: Foundational
Transgender is a term used to describe people whose gender identity differs from the sex marked on their birth certificate. Gender identity is a person's internal, personal sense of being a man or a woman. For transgender people, the sex they were assigned at birth and their own internal gender identity do not match.
Topics: Gender Identity/Gender Issues, Diversity Dynamics, Professionalism, Inclusion & Equity, Respect
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General
TrainingBriefs® Workplace Gossip & Rumors
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® Workplace Gossip & Rumors

5 Minutes Level: Foundational
So why do people start gossip and spread rumors? Much of it has to do with our need to make sense of what's happening around us. To understand what's going on, people talk to one-another. And, together, they fill in the holes in the story with a little bit of fact – and a lot of guesswork or subtle innuendo.
Topics: Professionalism, Interpersonal Skills, Inclusion & Equity, Respect
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General
TrainingBriefs® The Negative Impact of Unconscious Bias
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® The Negative Impact of Unconscious Bias

7 Minutes Level: Foundational
Negative bias refers to the persistent, harmful and unequal treatment of someone based solely on some characteristic they possess or their apparent membership in or identification with a particular group.
Topics: Unconscious Bias, Diversity Dynamics, Inclusion & Equity, Respect
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General
TrainingBriefs® Working the Plan
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® Working the Plan

6 Minutes Level: Foundational
To effectively manage your progress toward your goals and tasks, you have to control your time… and influence the events around you. Planning and organizing can help you take control of all the things you need to do in a day, week or even month.
Topics: Personal Performance, Interpersonal Skills, Professionalism
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General
The Oh Series™ Ethics & Transparency
Signature Course

The Oh Series™ Ethics & Transparency

35 Minutes Level: Foundational
Price fixing. Bid rotation. Bribery. In this program, we're going to look at some examples of ethical situations that can make a person say “OH?...”
Topics: Ethics, Compliance, Professionalism, Conflict Resolution, Collaboration
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General
The Oh Series™ Everyday Workplace Ethics
Signature Course

The Oh Series™ Everyday Workplace Ethics

30 Minutes Level: Foundational
When making a decision that involves right & wrong choices, sometimes it's tough to figure out what's the best decision in a given situation.
Topics: Ethics, Compliance, Conflict Resolution, Personal Performance
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General
Got Sales?™ Sales Opportunity Management
LearningBytes® Course

Got Sales?™ Sales Opportunity Management

25 Minutes Level: Foundational
By the end of this course, you will be able to identify the importance and techniques for sales opportunity management. Sales opportunity management involves creating a sales cycle and navigating the steps in the sales process to close the sale.
Topics: Sales & Service, Sales, Customer Service
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General
Got Sales?™ Territory Planning
LearningBytes® Course

Got Sales?™ Territory Planning

25 Minutes Level: Foundational
A territory may be geographic or it may consist of assigned accounts. By the end of this course, you will be able to identify the importance of territory planning and the techniques for territory planning.
Topics: Sales & Service, Sales, Customer Service
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General