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Contains all of the available courses within the TrainingFlow™ LMS.

Results for Topic: Professionalism

Being F.A.I.R.™ Understanding the Power of Cultural Competence

30 Minutes Level: Foundational
Promote inclusion and cultural competency in the workplace. Diversity can be defined as the unique characteristics of all of the various groups who make up your business environment (such as customers, managers, employees, suppliers and other stakeholders). Managing diversity is about recognizing and responding effectively to the similarities and differences among all groups that make up the organization.
Topics: Cultural Competency, Communication, Diversity Dynamics, Interpersonal Skills, Professionalism, Inclusion & Equity, Respect, Cultural Competency
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: Employees

TrainingBriefs® Embracing Other Cultures (Juneteenth)

7 Minutes Level: Foundational
Understanding standing and embracing other cultures is a key part of creating an inclusive workplace free of bias and stereotypes. This course provides an overview of the African American holiday – Juneteeth. Juneteenth honors the end to slavery in the United States and is considered the longest-running African American holiday. On June 17, 2021, President Joe Biden declared Juneteenth an official federal holiday.
Topics: Cultural Competency, Diversity Dynamics, Professionalism, Respect, Culture Commitment
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General

TrainingBriefs® Personal Problems at Work

8 Minutes Level: Intermediate
You’re aware an employee is having some personal problems and you feel they’re affecting their work. What do you do? This course provides the just-in-time information and tools needed to help a manager address the situation while maintaining a respectful workplace.
Topics: Management, Leadership, Professionalism, Problem Resolution
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors

TrainingBriefs® Personal Phone Calls

8 Minutes Level: Intermediate
You have an employee that's making and receiving too many personal phone calls during work hours. What do you do? This course provides the just-in-time information and tools needed to help a manager address the situation while maintaining a respectful workplace.
Topics: Management, Leadership, Professionalism, Problem Resolution
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors

TrainingBriefs® Performing Beyond Their Skill Level

8 Minutes Level: Intermediate
You have an employee who may have been promoted beyond their capability, or perhaps the job outgrew this employee. How do you work with an employee who is not performing up to your expectations? This course provides the just-in-time information and tools needed to help a manager address the situation while maintaining a respectful workplace.
Topics: Management, Leadership, Professionalism, Problem Resolution
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors

I Wish My Manager Would Just...™ (Streaming)

3 Minutes Level: Foundational
The powerful program features employees speaking out about what their managers could do to help them be successful. It provides a fantastic look into what employees are really thinking about when it comes to their manager/supervisor relationship. Streaming course version.
Topics: Leadership, Communication, Management, Professionalism, Teamwork, Collaboration, Communicating Effectively & Professionally
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: Employees

TrainingBriefs® The Critique

6 Minutes Level: Foundational
Let's be honest, workplace sexual harassment is still an issue. Even when subtle in nature, comments, body language, and tone of voice that imply something sexual is not appropriate in the workplace. These kinds of actions can easily lead to charges of hostile environment sexual harassment.
Topics: Sexual Harassment, Harassment, Professionalism
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General

TrainingBriefs® That’s Gross!

5 Minutes Level: Foundational
Joking can make the workplace fun, but it is also an area that can easily cross the line from being inappropriate to being illegal. People who work together sometimes engage in ‘harmless flirting’. As long as that behavior is welcome for those who are flirting, and those who are around to see it, it isn’t sexual harassment. When someone changes their mind, however, the welcomeness ends, and it’s time to stop.
Topics: Harassment, Compliance, Professionalism, Sexual Harassment
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General

TrainingBriefs® Just Asking

5 Minutes Level: Foundational
Do your employees know the difference between unprofessional and illegal behavior and sexual harassment? Could they recognize how an unwelcome pursuit can become harassing behavior? What if it was a manager pursuing an employee? Inappropriate or illegal?
Topics: Sexual Harassment, Compliance, Professionalism, Abusive Conduct
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General

TrainingBriefs® The Best Side

5 Minutes Level: Foundational
Do your employees know the difference between unprofessional and illegal behavior and sexual harassment? Do they know how to handle borderline situations involving themselves or their coworkers, even third party vendors/non-employees? This powerful vignette drives discussion, builds awareness and helps prevent incidents of sexual harassment.
Topics: Harassment, Compliance, Professionalism, Sexual Harassment
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General