Search Course Catalog (357 Courses Found)

Contains all of the available courses within the TrainingFlow™ LMS.

Results for Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors

TrainingBriefs® Conflict… Can’t You Just Deal with It?

6 Minutes Level: Foundational
When it comes to conquering conflict, sometimes you have to get out of your comfort zone when confronting an employee about their behavior.
Topics: Conflict Resolution, Leadership, Professionalism
Industry Settings: Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors

TrainingBriefs® Dealing with Unprofessional Behavior

5 Minutes Level: Foundational
This module emphasizes the role of coaching in creating successful outcomes when dealing with an employee’s unprofessional behavior. Making time for coaching has several benefits such as increased productivity, improved well-being and expanded employee effectiveness.
Topics: Leadership, Professionalism, Coaching & Mentoring
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General
Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors

TrainingBriefs® Open Communication

6 Minutes Level: Foundational
As a leader you must demonstrate your commitment to the organization’s culture of integrity, create an environment where employees feel safe to voice their concerns and hold all employees accountable for their actions.
Topics: Communication, Compliance, Respect
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors

TrainingBriefs® - Respecting Religious Diversity

6 Minutes Level: Foundational
Managers often get busy and can’t always be on top of everything. Yet sometimes they can unknowingly send a message that excludes an employee. When the exclusion occurs because of something related to the employee’s religion, it can be serious.
Topics: Inclusion & Equity, Diversity Dynamics, Leadership, Management, Professionalism
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors

TrainingBriefs® It’s About Respect (Managers)

7 Minutes Level: Foundational
It often happens that managers honestly believe themselves to be neutral on issues of race, sexual orientation, national origin, age or gender. But the reality is that employees need to be recognized for their differences in order to feel respected.
Topics: Unconscious Bias, Diversity Dynamics, Leadership, Management, Inclusion & Equity, Respect
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors

TrainingBriefs® Preventing Workplace Bullying

7 Minutes Level: Intermediate
Workplace bullying, also known as abusive conduct, can have devastating effects on both organizations and individuals. We are hearing more and more about bullying – so much so, that several states have legislation outlawing bullying – even categorizing it as a legal issue.
Topics: Abusive Conduct, Management, Professionalism
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors

TrainingBriefs® The Impact of Negative Attitudes

7 Minutes Level: Foundational
Dealing with attitude issues is a common problem for managers. Negative attitudes not only impact the company’s bottom line performance, but co-workers, the culture, the company, and customers as well.
Topics: Coaching & Mentoring, Communication, Leadership, Management
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors

TrainingBriefs® The Know-It-All Boss: Leadership by Proxy

5 Minutes Level: Foundational
As a manager or supervisor, you manage multiple priorities and shifting deadlines on a daily basis. How you listen and respond to your team may or may not be your best example of good leadership skills.
Topics: Leadership, Communication, Interpersonal Skills, Professionalism
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors

TrainingBriefs® Coaching the High Performer

5 Minutes Level: Foundational
Coaching a high-performing employee is one of the most enjoyable aspects of being a leader. But, it requires sensitivity or it can become like walking the razors edge between encouraging them to do more and pushing them too far.
Topics: Coaching & Mentoring, Communication, Interpersonal Skills, Professionalism
Industry Settings: Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors

TrainingBriefs® Keeping It Confidential

5 Minutes Level: Foundational
Maintaining confidentiality at the workplace is of utmost importance in today’s competitive world to ensure that information about customers, clients, and employees are safe.
Topics: Ethics, Communication, Leadership, Professionalism
Industry Settings: Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General
Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors