Search Course Catalog (257 Courses Found)

Contains all of the available courses within the TrainingFlow™ LMS.

Results for Topic: Communication

Bury My Heart at Conference Room B™ (eLearning Program)

40 Minutes Level: Foundational
This course tackles the myths of leadership! True leadership isn't well understood by most of us – managers and supervisors. Because of that enigma, you may perceive it as something that you can't do, are uncomfortable doing, or that has no benefit to you. That’s simply not true!
Topics: Leadership, Change, Communication, Management
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors

PREVAIL!® Armed Intruder/Active Shooter Training (Employee - Standard)

60 Minutes Level: Foundational
PREVAIL!® is designed to help your organization better respond in violent situations involving an armed threat. The goals and objectives of this course provide employees with information and strategies on recognizing and responding to the dynamic challenges and issues of violent incidents within the workplace.
Topics: Armed Intruder/Active Shooter, Communication, Management, Workplace Violence Prevention, Workplace Safety
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: Employees

The Courage to Coach™ for Retail (eLearning Classic)

30 - 40 Minutes Level: Foundational
The Courage to Coach™ for Retail is designed to help you, as a manager, recognize the most common workplace coaching situations, get the situation under control and on the right track and effectively coach your employees to increase performance.
Topics: Coaching & Mentoring, Communication, Management, Professionalism, Conflict Resolution
Industry Settings: Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors

LearningBytes® Diversity 101 - What Did She Say?™

10 Minutes Level: Foundational
Many organizations want and need people who speak different languages. Typically, there are no organization requirements that only English can be spoken at work. This course addresses concerns and the ability to be inclusive while speaking a foreign language in front of others.
Topics: Inclusion & Equity, Communication, Diversity Dynamics, Interpersonal Skills
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General

TrainingBytes® - Please Call Me Jessica, Not Bill™

10 Minutes Level: Foundational
Transitioning to a different gender is a deeply personal decision. There are many unknowns and the added stress of how the workplace will accept the transitioning employee is very real.
Topics: Respect, Communication, Inclusion & Equity, Discussion Trigger, Gender Identity/Gender Issues
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General

LearningBytes® Diversity 101 - Merge Ahead™

9 Minutes Level: Foundational
Organizational diversity includes work habits and values that are affected by time zone differences, commuting patterns, virtual teams and geographic distance.
Topics: Respect, Communication, Diversity Dynamics, Interpersonal Skills, Professionalism, Inclusion & Equity
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General

Got Respect?® Understanding Exclusive Behaviors

15 Minutes Level: Foundational
By the end of this module, you will be able to identify and understand exclusive behaviors and the effects they have on the work environment. This powerful, short course discusses what exclusive behaviors are and why people unintentionally exclude others.
Topics: Inclusion & Equity, Communication, Diversity Dynamics, Respect
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General

A.C.T. with Integrity™: Real Situations for Discussion (eLearning Advantage)

50 Minutes Level: Foundational
End every time employees make a choice, they hold the future well-being of your organization in their hands. This highly interactive course will help your employees learn how to recognize the most common business ethics and compliance situations they face every day.
Topics: Ethics, Communication, Compliance, Interpersonal Skills, Professionalism
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General

LearningBytes® Being An Ally

10 Minutes Level: Foundational
Anyone can be an ally. If you are willing to be supportive of an individual who’s being unfairly treated, then you are an ally. Some people are allies in small ways and some in big ways. Like a pebble thrown into water, you are creating a ripple-effect of change starting with just one action.
Topics: Respect, Communication, Professionalism, Collaboration, Gender Identity/Gender Issues
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General

Mentoring 101™ - The Basics

20 Minutes Level: Foundational
A mentor is someone who provides guidance to a less-experienced employee. A mentor may be another employee or even a professional from outside of the company. Regardless of the structure, mentors are role models who shares knowledge and advice to help the mentee grow professionally.
Topics: Coaching & Mentoring, Communication, Interpersonal Skills, Professionalism
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General