Search Course Catalog (1051 Courses Found)

Contains all of the available courses within the TrainingFlow™ LMS.

Got Respect?® Humor in the Workplace

15 Minutes Level: Foundational
By completing this module, you will be able to distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate humor in the workplace. You will also be able to describe different responses to inappropriate humor in the workplace and implications of each.
Topics: Respect, Communication, Professionalism, Inclusion & Equity
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General

Got Respect?® Gossip in the Workplace

15 Minutes Level: Foundational
In this module you’ll explore the effect of gossip in the workplace. By completing this interactive module, you will be able to differentiate between gossip and idle chatter and describe different responses to gossip when encountered.
Topics: Respect, Communication, Professionalism, Inclusion & Equity
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General

Unstable Machine The Nature of a Forklift™

14 Minutes Level: Intermediate
Accidents involving lift trucks almost always lead to serious injuries and can even result in death. It takes an operator with skill and knowledge to handle a truck and its cargo safely. In this lesson, we’ll discuss forklift stability, visibility and the operating environment.
Topics: Workplace Safety
Industry Settings: Industrial & Manufacturing
Target Audience: General

Confined Spaces: Survival by Permit™

16 Minutes Level: Intermediate
This powerful module covers topics like: why we need a confined space entry permit, isolating the space, establishing emergency/rescue personnel, verifying tag out and communications and using safety equipment.
Topics: Workplace Safety, Safety Orientation/Onboarding
Industry Settings: Industrial & Manufacturing
Target Audience: General

Personal Protective Equipment Training™ - Part 2

15 Minutes Level: Foundational
In this lesson, we’ll continue our look at personal protective equipment. This part of the lesson will addresses foot and hand protection.
Topics: Workplace Safety
Industry Settings: Industrial & Manufacturing
Target Audience: General

Personal Protective Equipment Training™ - Part 1

15 Minutes Level: Foundational
Personal Protective Equipment Training is a two part module. This part of the lesson addresses head, eye and face protection.
Topics: Workplace Safety
Industry Settings: Industrial & Manufacturing
Target Audience: General

Operator In Control – Driving A Forklift Safely™ - Part 2

12 Minutes Level: Foundational
In this lesson, we will continue our look at driving a forklift safely. This part of the lesson addresses unsafe forklift practices, negotiating grades, unloading a trailer and parking the forklift.
Topics: Workplace Safety
Target Audience: General

Operator In Control – Driving A Forklift Safely™ - Part 1

14 Minutes Level: Foundational
Operator in Control – Driving a Forklift Safely is a two part eLearning lesson. In this part of the lesson, we’ll address the pre-trip inspections, safe driving rules, and forklift maneuvers.
Topics: Workplace Safety
Industry Settings: Industrial & Manufacturing
Target Audience: General

Got Leadership?™ Beyond Bullying

14 Minutes Level: Intermediate
After completing this course, you will be able to recognize the warning signs of workplace violence and what you should do if confronted with this issue. You will be able to identify common behaviors that could lead to violence, and choose appropriate action steps to protect yourself and others.
Topics: Compliance, Leadership, Workplace Violence Prevention
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors

Good People, Bad Choices - eLearning Classic

40 Minutes Level: Foundational
The course is a guide to ethical decision-making and provides an excellent vehicle for discussion based training that includes such topics as confidential information, gift giving, financial accountability, copyright infringement and more.
Topics: Ethics, Compliance, Professionalism
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General